Friday, August 19, 2011

The Summer of Discontent

Dear Daughter,

I know you are very disappointed right now, you had been hoping for this for a while, practicing, working, and preparing, but then, unplanned distractions got in the way. You succumbed to stress, worry and anxiety. Because of that, things didn’t go the way you planned them.

You can handle this one of two ways, you can pout forever, be bitter, and never grow, or, you can take this as a lesson. The lesson being sometimes things happen in life that get in the way of our plans, but no matter, God has great things in store for us despite the circumstances may not be what we had hoped for. I’m not going to tell you, “There is next year”. You know that, and even though it is true, telling you will only add insult to injury.

You are 13, you have so much life ahead of you. Do not let this one disappointment, or this whole summer full of them defeat you. You are strong, wise and feisty. Pick up the pieces and build something better!

Love, Mom

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

13 years, 2 months–The Beginning

Dear Daughter,

It has been quite a journey to this point. The last 2 months alone have been an adventure. You’ve shown grace, patience, temper and fury. You’ve had your heart broken, your hopes crushed, and you’ve been given new beginnings. You’ve been on stage performing for hundreds, and you’ve been asked to perform for just one, all the while saving the best for us.

I have so many hopes for you, so many dreams and as you know far too many questions. You hate my questions. But, I’m never going to stop asking them, no matter how far your eyes roll, or how often you look like lasers will shoot out of your eyes. And, if you think I’m weird now, just wait, it will only get worse as I try to infuse humor into your sometimes stressful experiences.

I’m going to try to record as much of it as I can, not that you will like that, but sometimes, there are things I want to say, but can’t or you won’t let me. Maybe some day, you’ll read this. Even if you don’t, I will do my best to respect you.

