Tuesday, April 3, 2012

You are my child, without a doubt

Dear Daughter,

There is never a doubt in my mind that the apple does not fall far from the tree, and it makes me laugh, a lot. I know the thought that you are so much like me might make you ill, however, it is pure entertainment for me.

You see, not many 13 year old females can actively discuss why Prokofiev is repetitive, or get giddy when Bernstein comes up on Pandora. Or, for that matter, discuss the relevance of Greek Mythology in the modern age. Oh, wait, I used to think about those things, but unlike you, I did not have a mother that listened or cared. That is why I laugh, it is fun for me, I selfishly adore every second of you ridiculous banter on why you hate Rossini or why Norse mythology is not as much fun as Celtic.

I adore that you enjoy vintage clothes, I used to, and I also know how silly it can make you look, which  is why I stop you sometimes from leaving the house in whatever crazy get-up you have on. It is not because I am trying to stifle you, but protect you. Of course your beautiful body can wear anything and make it look good, and you also have the ability to carry yourself with such confidence!!

You are my child and I love you, I hope, though I can spare you some of the heartache I experienced. I also know, you need to experience the pain and sorrow to appreciate the joy. We have so many years left on our journey as mother and child, it gives me peace to know that if you are like me, you will be happy and much blessed.



Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Oh, the pretty things

Dear Daughter,

It has been quite a fall. You started pointe, your life long dream and you danced Nutcracker. Both were wonderful and difficult, you endured so much, physically and emotionally.

You also lost your grandmother, my mother, on Halloween. She loved you so much, she would have been so happy to see you dance, to sing and to soar. But, alas, she was called home to God. You sang so beautifully at her funeral.

Your dad also lost his job this fall. That has been stressful for us and ultimately is the subject of my writing.

Dear child, we make so many sacrifices for you. There is no logical way that we pay for ballet. It simply doesn’t even make sense how or why, but we do, and we give up things along the way. Please understand then, why it broke my heart that you complained about your new very expensive pointe shoes that were your Christmas gift. I worked a month of Sundays, including Christmas morning, to pay for them. I wanted you to be happy, to be delighted, but instead, you were upset.

My work is not fun or glamorous. Many mornings, I cry while I scrub floors, because I would rather be with you and your brothers, teaching you, but I have given that up so you can dance. I know you may never realize it, but please just be a little appreciative. I know the girls you dance with are given life on a silver platter, and your life is on a chipped thrift store plate. We try, we really do, but our lot in life is to work and sacrifice. We named you after a saint of poverty, it is time to model her a bit.

